Some of the features
- Self-hosted web application
- The application runs in a Servlet Container such as Tomcat
Data is stored in a relational database (MariaDB, MySQL or
- Definition of users and groups
- User authentication with LDAP
- Roles and groups to control the permissions
- Hierarchical definition of projects
- Work-calendar definition with holidays and work hours
- Register of time worked (start and end time)
- Private individual rich-text (markup) diary
- Printing of time-sheets/timecards with annotations
- Reports (Excel and Open Document Format ODF)
- Export and import between databases
- Acronyms database for storing of acronyms for companies and organizations
- Web service API (example Java and Python applications)
- Easy to install as a Docker container, see the ptrac page on Docker Hub
for more details.
- Free of charge (no ads)
See screenshots from ptrac here
Download ptrac
Free markdown viewer and editor (madview)
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